Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spa Day

Despite what you might think about this trip based on this blog, we have actually been working hard - constantly on the go, having vocational visits, giving presentations, and hauling around a lot of heavy (and getting heavier) luggage. So, one of Cerqueira Cesar's residents and former GSE team member to Georgia (US), arranged a well-deserved spa day for us.

We went to the nearby town of Aguas de Santa Barbara, where there is a spa resort outside of the city. It was a beautiful day in the low 80s. We arrived at the resort and the place was EMPTY. We had it all to ourselves. Apparently it was too cold for the Brazilians! They're entering their winter, so this is chilly to them.

 We robed up and hit the saunas and wading pools, lounged in the suns, and took thermal baths... There was no stress to be found, and our muscles thanked us for it! So, to our hosts in Cerqueira Cesar - THANK YOU!! Their city moto says Here you will find friends - and we have certainly found them.


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