In related news: today's vocational visit for many of us was at the Sorocaba hospital. Denise and I (Melissa) took a tour through the various rooms. There were sharp differences between what we saw in the US and how things were set up here. For example, there was 1 big room for people will all types of illnesses - not a department that specialized in a specific illness. The physicians need to be trained to handle many specialties. In the paid insurance areas, people were sometimes in their own room and sometimes had to share a room, but in the government insured rooms, there were often multiple beds with very little space between them and no privacy. One of the maternity rooms had 4 brand new mothers in it, with about 3 feet of space between the beds, and the babies stayed with them. I don't know how any of them got any sleep. Also in the government-insured building, there were beds in the hallway- and not just temporarily. There were signs with the patient's name taped above the bed in the hall - this was where they would remain until discharged. It was very, very sad. Hopefully Denise adds some of her thoughts about it.
So, as we continue the voyage, we'll need to remember to find ways to stay healthy! Saúde
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