Happy to say hello to everyone, and I hope you enjoy the chance to follow along. I'm particularly excited in this age of instant digital information that everyone on both sides of the equator will be able to follow along in real time - or as close to that as we can manage to keep up with our posting!
As a quick intro, I currently live in the heart of Madison, just a stone's throw from the Capitol. I work at Epic Systems Corporation (commonly just "Epic") out in Verona on the outskirts of the Madison "metro" area. I don't mind the daily commute as it gives me a chance to both warm up to the day and wind down from it. I also get the best of both worlds - calm, rolling countryside perfect for an evening jog on the Military Ridge state trail, but also the excitement of downtown. Weeknights at the coffee shops, Saturday mornings at the Dane County Farmers' Market, and evenings out on the town with friends are all part of the plan. In all my spare time, of course :)
I grew up in Willmar, Minnesota, a town of about 18,000 just about two hours west of Minneapolis. I migrated from there to St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN where I studied physics initially, but ultimately graduated with a major in economics and finance. I also completed a concentration in middle east studies, the result of a rather interesting semester abroad. For those who do not know, St. Olaf is well-known (to the extent that can be said about a small liberal arts school in the Midwest!) for its many study abroad programs. I participated in the "Term in the Middle East" program during the fall semester of 2004. I and 11 other students traveled with a St. Olaf professor and his wife to Istanbul, Turkey; Marrakech, Morocco; Cairo, Egypt; and Athens, Greece. Needless to say, it was the adventure of a lifetime. But it was not my first introduction to life outside the United States...
This brings me to my history with Rotary International. My father was a long-time Rotarian during my youth. In fact, he was a such an enthusiastic member of our local club, he would often lend his musical skills in the form of piano accompaniment to the classic Rotary songs. My parents also hosted a number of Youth Exchange students while I and by brother and sister grew up. Finland, Germany, Norway, Korea, France, Finland again, and probably a couple I can't recall today. Anyway, my brother paved the way with a year in Norway as an exchange student. I followed this up with my own youth exchange year - also to Norway - and my sister rounded out the family with a year in France.
I have been blessed to experience a wealth of places, peoples, and cultures. But I cannot overstate my excitement to see and experience Brazil! As I've mentioned this trip to individuals at work and around Madison, I've been surprised to hear that Brazil is not so little-known as you might expect. Many friends had stories to tell and recommendations to make. We will be blessed indeed if our experience is half as interesting and rewarding as these folks would lead me to belive it will be, and I have no doubt the GSE program will live up to that billing.
Thanks in advance to our wonderful host clubs and host families. Thanks to the many Rotarians who have helped us prepare and made this trip possible. And thanks to all of you for following along!
(a picture of me and some others at a Habitat for Humanity build day in Madison this spring)